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+1 888 545 3685

GenAI Use Case Discovery Workshop

An expert-guided experience that includes technical proposal for MVP/Pilot implementation

Get ready to embark on a transformative journey into the realm of Generative AI, a groundbreaking technology that empowers businesses to:

  • Innovate at an unprecedented pace
  • Enhance customer experiences
  • Drive operational efficiency

Our immersive workshop will guide you through a comprehensive framework:

Explore real-world applications and their potential impact on your business

Identify and prioritize use cases that align with your strategic goals

Craft tailored solutions that leverage the latest AI/ML techniques

Develop a roadmap for successful implementation


Suitebriar equips you with the resources necessary to maximize your GCP utilization. These include:

  • Use case prioritization matrix
  • High-level technical solution concept
  • Project proposal and recommendations for MVP/Pilot implementation or production implementation with architecture diagram, estimated timeline, and cost
Join us for this exclusive workshop and gain the insights and tools to empower your enterprise with Generative AI. Contact us today to secure your spot and unlock the future of your business.


Get in touch now!