Hamilton Healthcare Systems
Success Stories > Hamilton Healthcare Systems
Hamilton healthcare has been a premier provider of health and medical services in rural Texas since 1955. Emphasizing compassionate and community orientated care, Hamilton is a vital community healthcare asset for central Texans not living near large metropolitan areas.
Dealing with a rapidly changing and exponentially challenging healthcare industry, Hamilton required a better connected, more collaborative environment for their employees to better serve their patients while also meeting HIPAA security benchmarks. An aging and increasingly costly on-premise environment meant expensive licensing, upkeep, and frequent service calls from frustrated end users. Hamilton’s IT project lead, Ken Shaffer went in search of a better solution and he found it with Google Workspace and Suitebriar, Inc.
Working with the Suitebriar team, Ken was able to lead Hamilton through a transition and migration process for both their mail infrastructure as well as file servers and document management.
Google Workspace is a HIPPA compliant platform, enabling organizations like Hamilton to conduct their day to day business activities while also safeguarding vital patient information. By simply signing a Business Associate Agreement with Google to ensure compliance, Hamilton accrued no additional costs besides the normal Google Workspace subscription price to meet this vital measure.
Hamilton utilized the services and expertise of Suitebriar’s migration and change management teams to partner with in this critical phase. By deploying Google Workspace Mail Migration for Outlook (GSMMO) as well as Google Workspace Mail Migration for Exchange (GSMME) a nearly flawless transition from their legacy Exchange system to a new Google Workspace platform was experienced. During this time, Ken cited “next to no support calls immediately after the migration”.
With the heavy lifting complete, Hamilton gained a “more easily accessible mail system and way to share files through Google Drive”.
Google Workspace allows Hamilton Healthcare to easily scale, support, and collaborate with its growing team. Built in HIPAA compliance ensures that all sensitive patient information is protected while also bringing agility and ease of use to day to day tasks such as mail, voice and video chat, and document collaboration. With Google, a burden has been taken off of the IT department’s shoulders, not having to worry about “maintaining, backing up or dealing with on premise servers collapsing into smoking ruin”.